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The most common complaint we receive about dentures is that they are loose, tilting, rocking, moving and falling. Dentures become loose for many reasons. The most common cause is due to shrinking bone under the gums which cause the denture to become loose. This is most evident in the mandible, your lower jaw, but also occurs on the upper ridge.


If you have teeth which have recently been extracted you will notice a tremendous amount of shrinkage of the gums within the first year. This is a normal physiological response since the entire purpose of the alveolar bone is to support teeth. When the teeth are gone, the bone which supported them gradually resorbs.


The good news is that your dentures can be relined (refitted) by the denturist on site, usually while you wait. This will fill in the gaps created by shrinking gums and increase the stability and retention of the denture.


You should clean your dentures every day, especially after meals. Calculus (tartar) builds upon dentures just as it does on natural teeth. Once formed calculus can be very stubborn to remove. Cleaning dentures daily can prevent the formation of calculus and other microbes which can cause stains and foul odor. Using products such as polident overnight or novadent are a great addition to daily brush cleaning.


Brush your dentures with soap and warm water only, using a soft toothbrush or denture brush. Pay close attention to crevices between the teeth and any undercut areas on the tissue side of the denture. Never use harmful abrasives like toothpaste on dentures as the abrasive action will only scratch the surface of the denture and make removing tartar and debris much more difficult.


Most types of repairs can be done on-site while you wait. Depending on what type of repair or addition is being made, it may or may not require an impression to be taken.


If an impression is needed, the waiting time and or cost will be reflective of the extra work required. Common repairs include fractures and breaks, lost or chipped denture teeth, broken clasps or clasp additions, tooth additions and much more!

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